Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Revised List

I won't lie...I'm awful about keeping track of the daily things.  I really have been doing most of these things daily.  I really do think about them.  I just forget to document that I do.  I'm working on it though...which is really more the point anyway. But, as a reminder, here are my goals for the next 1001-almost 180 days. 

Health and Fitness
1.  Start and finish P90X (0 of 90)
2.  Do Burst training daily for one month (0 of 30)
3.  Floss every day! (? of 1001) Restart June 1st, 2010
4.  Buy a yoga video and actually do it for two weeks (0 of 14)
5.  Stick with a skin care system for one month straight (0 of 30)
6.  Lose 55lbs (13 of 55)
7.  Take my vitamins every day (? of 1001) Restart June 2010
8.  Try to cut out soda for 1 month, then for good (0 of 30) 
9.  Complete a 7 day master cleanse
10.  Get my eyes checked
11.  Get my teeth cleaned
12.  Get adjusted at least twice a month (10 of 66)

For Me
13.  Read 1 book each month (4 of 33)
14. Watch one movie each week that I’m interested in (16 of 132)
15.  Get a massage every other month (2 of 16)
16.  Make sure to have my wedding ring checked and re-dipped every 6 months (1 of 6)
17.  Get a deep conditioning treatment on my hair
18.  Complete 1 painting each month (5 of 33)
19. Buy Rosetta Stone Spanish
20. Learn Spanish
22.  Take 1 picture each day for 1 year, then make a coffee table book (0 of 365)
23. Pick out a house plan Zac and I love
24. Get the tattoo I’ve wanted for years.

My Spiritual Life
25. Pray everyday (? of 1001) Restart June 1st, 2010
26. Find a church that Zac and I like
27. Go to church every Sunday for 3 months in a row (0 of 12 weeks)
28. Buy the Book of God (the bible as a novel)
29. Read the book of God
30. Learn a new bible story each month (3 of 33)

31.  Go on one date night each month (5 of 33)
32.  Do something nice to let him know I love him(5 of 33)
33.  Sit through a whole movie with Zac each week (18 of 143)

34. Book the ticket and go see Chris and Lauren
35. Call Lauren every other week (8 of 71)
36. Call Chris every other week (8 of 71)
37. Call Josh once a month.  (5 of 33)
38. Make a date with Courtney each month (1 of 33)
39. Make a date with Angie every month (4 of 33)
40. Call Chelsea once a month (4 of 33)

40. Spend the night with the kids 1 night a month (1 of 33)
41.  Send out birthday cards to all nieces and nephews (2 of 17)
42.  Anniversary cards for Mag, Annie, Mom and Courtney (1 of 4)
43. Buy a book of baby food recipes
44. Make baby food for Caroline
45. Visit Danny, Doug, and Grandpa Everett twice a year.
46. Update the online Family Tree

Professional Life
47. See at least 30 patients/week for 1 month (0 of 4)
48. See 45 patients/week for 1 month (0 of 4)
49. Hand out 1 business card a day for 1 month (0 of 30)
50. Follow up with Don and Jack about the family plan
51. CCSP certification
52. Pediatrics diplomate

53. Pay off the American Express
54. Pay off the Ace account
55. Pay off debt to Dr. B
56. Take $50 out per paycheck for spending money (8 of 66)
57. Save every $5 bill for vacation
58.  Pay off the white car (6 of 6 payments)
59. Pay off the red car (3 of 45 payments)
60. Pay off the trailer (3 of 45 payments)
61. Pay back Mom and Dad
62. Restart Zac’s contributions to his IRA
63. Change Zac’s contribution to his work 401K
64. Save $50 each month into a Christmas savings account (5 of 33)
65. Save $1000 into our joint savings account
66. Get our emergency fund back up to $4000

Random (some of these go in other categories...I know)
67. Buy a book about composting
68. Read the book about composting and start a compost for the garden
69.  Buy an external hard drive
70.  Back up my pictures onto an external hard drive
71.  Convert my CD’s to MP3 and store on external hard drive
72. Plant spring seedlings
73. Plant garden at Mom and Dads
74.  Fix clock in the kitchen.
75.  Scrapbook my wedding pictures
76  Scrapbook my honeymoon pictures
77.  Save $1200 and go on another ChiroMission
78.  Apply for a position as a teacher at a local prison.
79.  Take the raw footage of our honeymoon and turn it into a DVD
80. Buy a fireproof safe and put all our important stuff in it.
81.  Buy tickets and go see the Nutcracker at Christmas
82.  Fix the leg on the red kitchen chair
83.  Put $20 in a savings account for each of the goals I reach (4 of 101)
84.  Work on EE stuff every week (12 of 143)
85. Book a cruise with Zac to Alaska
86. Buy a new book of house plans
87.  Make an inspiration book for our house
88.  Buy a new pair of chucks and retire my black ones.
89.  Try 2 new foods/restaurants each month ( 5 of 66)
90. Catch up on Dexter (Season 3-  DONE) (Season 4- 0 of 12)
91. Catch up on Lost (Season 4-Done, 5-Done, 6)
92. Scrape and repaint the bathroom surround
93. Repaint the bathroom cabinets
94. Repaint the brown cabinet in the living room
95. Make sure I am added to Zac’s health insurance in Feb.
96. Buy a basal thermometer
97. Re-read my natural family planning books
98. Get a library card
99. Stop using the f word (1 0f 1001)
100. Complete the patient call list by the end of Feb.
101. Make a new 101 in 1001 list.

#58. Pay off the white car

Sigh......its done.  Mom and Dad have always been good about helping out us girls when they can.  While I was in chiro school, the car that I'd driven for 5 years broke down on I-270 in.  It sucked so bad.  I called Dad from the side of the road to tell him my car literally stopped running. Just stopped.  Luckily I was cruising at like 70mph so I was able to coast the 4 lanes of traffic to get pulled over.  After that, he was not ok with me driving that car anymore.  I got it towed and fixed and the next weekend I came home and we got a different car.  Since the green car had been paid off, this meant a new loan and my parents agreed to pay the loan since I was already living off student loans at this point.  When Zac and I got married, I assumed responsibility for the payments.  It was supposed to be paid off in July, but we always pay 10% more on every payment so we paid it off early.  I'm just thrilled to be down another bill to be paid.  Next up..doubling up payments on trailer 36.  Watch out will be ours soon!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

13 down

So, just a quick update.  I've been trying to stay diligent with my 101.  Like I say, the recording is the worst part.  I make an effort to do those things but what a pain to write down that I did.  Anyway,  I am working daily at losing weight.  I am happy to report that since my birthay (4/10)  I am down 13lbs.  I have quite a few to go, but I'm doing it.  Yay!  13 what what!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

#94. Repaint the brown cabinet in the living room

I bought this cabinet for $12 at Catholic Charities right before I started school at SIU.  It has pretty well always been brown.  I painted the inside white to give it contrast....but it was still kinda ugly.  This is it before, all dressed up for Christmas
 After we finally moved into the new trailer, I wanted something a little more bold, that would pop off the gray walls.  Half a can of spray paint later and it's beautiful.  I LOVE the purple.  I especially love the way my bright colored frames look on it. 
What do you think?  Much better huh?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

#44. Make baby food for Caroline

Caroline is officially a big girl.  She is starting to eat whatever Maggie and Kylie are eating, which means, I'm done making all her food.  The following are a series of pictures of the process.  This is what I started with, lots and lots of food.  
So there were apples, pears, kiwis, blueberries, carrots, peas, green beans, brocolli, zucchini, corn, sweet potatoes,  and squash.  

Now that's a heck of a lot of baby food.  Actually, 320 some tablespoons. I kept track.  It makes me happy to see it all again.  I ended up filling 24 tubs.  Not sure how many cubes exactly.  Maggie spent $20 on the food.  The Gerber tubs that hold 3.5 oz, are sold in a 2 pack for $1.99 according to the interenet sites.  So, what I made should have cost $92.  

I loved being able to do this.  Actually, I really liked doing it period.  I would love to be able to make this something I do on the side for busy moms.  I am starting a garden at my mom and dad's house full of all these veggies.  Maggie's best friend is pregnant with her first baby and I hope to use food from my garden for him (i'm just sure it's a boy).  Anyway, if you know some busy mom who wants quality food for less for her new bean, you send her my way!


I swear I haven't forgotten about this project.  Gotten a little off track, yes, but forgotten, no.  I have still been trying my darndest to mark things off my list.  I actually feel like I need to revise a couple of my goals.  I don't think I'm gonna worry about 2 new recipes each month, but revise it to try two new foods each month.  I don't cook as much as I'd like, cause Zac is out of town, but the purpose was not to cook more, but rather to try new foods.  So, consider it switched.  Also, I am really bad about keeping track of the daily stuff.  Knowing that I have to keep track makes me more apt to actually do them, but the recording part is surprizingly hard to keep up with.  I am renewing my efforts as of today, April 15th and starting to record, record, record!  Look forward to more coming your way!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

#53. Pay off the American Express

This shit is official!  I paid off the AmEx.  I've gotten bloody close a few times.  Something always seems to come up.  Not this time.  I'm so pumped about this.  You all know I hate debt by this point, and this is just another victory when it comes to financial security.  Now, it will be a matter of paying off the Menards card (thanks rental trailer #36). It will be worth it eventually right? Right.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

#72. Plant spring seedlings

I am a farmer at heart.  I really am.  I like to pretend that I could be a city girl.  Live in the hustle and bustle and love it, but I'm just not sure I can.  Case in point, I've planted a garden at every place I've lived.  Even when it was a little herb garden that had to live in the window sill, it was there.  I really don't have much of a green thumb, but it's not for lack of trying.  This year I planted jalapenos, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, roma tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, onions, and something else I can't remember.  Mom and dad told me I can plant a big garden out at their house as long as its not a "weed patch."  So, after I get back from my trip in April, I've got a hot date with the tiller.  You will see pictures cause its gonna be awesome, in a completely dorky vegetable laden way.

#93. Repaint the bathroom cabinet

I know people say that light colors hide flaws, well, when it comes to paint, not too tight kahki pants, yuck.  Anyway, the white paint in the bathroom didn't.  Since the first day I moved in, it drove me nuts that the white paint on the cabinet had peeled from the door being closed on it before it had completely dried.  It had been touched up, but it wasn't hidden.  The water damage stain on the ceiling had bled back through too, which also drove me nuts.  When I scraped the surround, I went to town on the cabinet too.  I'm just so happy its done now, so happy each time I look at it.  Yay!

#100. Complete the patient call list before the end of Feb

I am so glad this one is done, all 48 pages of it. I really didnt want to do it.  Cold calling is uncomfortable, but many people were happy to hear that our ours were increased and if they were hurting on Thursdays, someone would be there to take care of them.  Now, I have to call everyone on our newsletter list and see if I can switch them to email versions instead....I just can't stay away from the phone :)

#92. Scrape and repaint the bathroom surround

When I moved in to Maggie's old trailer the humidity in the shower had caused the paint to chip like crazy on the ceiling.  It drove me nuts.  I finally broke down, of course only a month before we will end up moving, but it's painted now so oh well.  Unfortunately when I scraped, apparently I didn't get all of the little chips out of the tub before the next shower, so we did have to snake the drain.  I say we, but Zac did it.  Sometimes I love being married because it means I don't have to do all the gross stuff myself hahaha!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh my carbs

I just started a diet (even though the book insists it's not actually a diet) following the Cracking the Fat-Loss Code plan.  It's been not too bad yet.  This is week 1 day 2 of basically no carbs at all.  Food pyramid style you need about 250g/day, this week I'm to stay at 20g or less each day.  I love potatoes and this makes me sad. But anyway, wish me luck as I start to try to knock off those 55lbs I'd really like to lose.  And yes, I do need to lose 55 according to every body mass index and height/weight chart ever.  I'd be thrilled with 40. Lets start with 10.

PS, I haven't forgotten any of these goals, on the contrary, I completed 4 more recently, I just have become very lax in documenting them and I will catch up sometime soon

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Julie and Julia

One of my goals is to read one book each month.  My first was Julie and Juila.  I hated it.  It got great reviews, everyone wrote about how funny it was, and now it's a freakin movie.  I barely finished the thing before the end of the month.  I didn't find Julie to be at all likeable.  I thought she was obnoxious and self-centered, which, I know sounds a little odd considering it was an autobiography but the others I've read were not.  I just really disliked her as a person, so I think maybe that's why it was so hard to push myself throught it.  Plus, I was not at all invested in her "accomplishment", so I had nothing to celebrate at the end of the book.   Yes, she did it.  No, I don't care.  For some reason, eating organs soaked in butter for an entire year in an effort to actually finish something you've started and make up for your own lack of character is not exactly an ambitious goal in my eyes.  I feel like there are other, more important things to focus your efforts on.  This is what I feel should be included within the front cover of her book.

In summary, Julie and Julia sucked.  Julie, by herself, sucks more.

PS, if you liked it, sorry for my harshness, but it's true.

Friday, February 12, 2010

#95. Make sure I am added to Zac's health insurance.

After months of being uninsured, I have a few more to go.  I was eligible to be added to Zac's health insurance after we got married.  He had 30 days, I reminded him three times and when it came time for me to go for my yearly check up, he had forgotten.  We had to wait until this month to enroll me, and it takes effect in April.  Here's to hoping there are no babies or illnesses in my immediate future!

#54 Pay off the Ace account

As I mentioned before, I'm a debt freak.  Freak!  I would use down to like $5 in my checking and savings accounts and eat only boxed mac and cheese just to pay off debt one month sooner.  It killed me that we had a balance on our Ace account.  Ace, as in Ace Hardware, is in Shelbyville, which is nice because nothing else is.  When Zac and I were fixing up our second trailer, we went there a lot.  Sometimes multiple visits in a day.  Our bill never really got over a few hundred dollars, but it has only 2% interest.  My American Express balance was higher and had higher interest, so it had to be paid off first.  Zac and I are making headway and I feel so much more secure!

#63 Change Zac's contribution to this work 401K

Oddly enough, I didn't increase Zac's contribution, I lowered it.  Now I am a debt freak, can't stand it, can't stand the thought of it, so it is super important to me that Zac and I always put away money for retirement and our future children.  With that being said, this was my reasoning for cutting back on our savings....we have multiple retirement accounts.  I was very proud of Zac though.  He had been contributing 12% of each paycheck to his work 401K, which is awesome.  I bumped it down to 5%, the portion that the company matches, and will start moving 7% of his after tax pay into his Roth IRA.  Keep in mind readers, Roth IRA are taxed now, not later when your money has grown, which is the oppostite of a 401K.  Hit up your roth.....You can contribute a max of $5000 each year (yeah right) so that's the goal to shoot for!

And that concludes your mini financial lesson of the day :)

#62 Restart Zac's Contribution to his Roth IRA

I am so glad we finally got to do this.  We stopped after our honeymoon because we had so much debt to pay off, which is exactly what you are not supposed to do.  But, just 8 months later, we are up and running again!  We try to put in $120 for each of us every month, and add a little here and there when we can.  Once we get our emergency fund back up, it will be a non-issue to but in $250 for each of us each month.  That, I really look foward to!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#17. Get a deep conditioning treatment on my hair

Not too much to say on this one.  With Maggie being the master stylist that she is, my hair is rarely the same for long.  This, along with two failed perms left my hair a little fried.  It's better now...I'm gonna try to deep condition every other month or so.  I think this was a step in the right direction :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Keepin it up

My 101 is still rockin hard!  I am trying to say my prayers daily.  This is by far the most important of my daily goals.  I am just shocked at how hard it is for me.  I used to be in a really good habit.  Zac and I would pray before meals and before bed, now we just gotta get back into it.  I did buy the bible on CD to listen to on my ride to and from work.  I figured not only would it help as a reminder for prayer, but also I would be able to check off that bible story each month.  Unfortunately it's in MP3 format and my CD player can't handle it.  I got it at Dollar General for $1.50.  I think I bought 6 copies, because they were on clearance and there are plenty of people who need it.

Anyway....I did my two new recipes too.  Bruschetta and huevos rancheros.  Both were delicious.  This was a little hard for me too.  I am not a recipe person by any means.  I really tend to wing it.  I, in fact, did not follow the recipe for either.  I just got the general idea and made it my own.  I still think it counts though!

That's where I'm at now.  I just hope I follow through with all this!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Update

It has been one week and I've already knocked a few goals off my list.  The hardest part is consistency for me.  But I did take my vitamins daily, floss almost every day and prayed for 5 minutes 5 of 7 days.  I get really distracted when I pray.  My mind is a thousand miles a minute and before I know it, I forget that I was praying.  I'm trying now to make it a part of my drive and be more focused.  Anyway. I got my baby food recipe book last night, got my compost book, watched some movies and made some calls, booked a flight and am ready to tackle the next week!

Monday, January 11, 2010

#34. Book the ticket to go see Chris and Lauren

We're doin it!  Zac and I are finally making it to Portland! I'm thrilled.  I'm heading out to see Chris and Lauren.  Chris is my best friend from chiro school.  He transfered schools half way through when his dad took a job at Western States, another chiro school.  That was when we were 1/2 about 2 years ago now.  He came back home for my wedding and I promised him I would make it out to visit.  Lauren is one of my best friends from high school.  Her family moved right before our sophomore year to Florida.  I called Lauren the evening I graduated and told her I would come to visit.  I think in all I flew to florida 3 times to visit.  Lauren moved back to St. Louis for a few months, while I was there, to live with her sister.  She then moved back to Tampa then to Palo Alto to live with her aunt for a little while.  Hopefully she will still be there in April.  We have big plans to meet up in Portland and get to know the city together.  Chris and Lauren are both hilarious and very smart....I just keep pushing them to love each other.  It would be terribly convenient for me :)

Zac's dear friends from SIU-C ended up moving to Portland ohhhhh 3 years ago I think.  We have promised them we would visit when we found the money.   That never seemed to happen.  So we just did it.  Tickets are cheap, under $500 for both of us and we have a place to stay.  Luckily I did really well last month and got a big end of the month check that paid for us to get there.  I'm thrilled! Now its just a matter of saving up some spending cash for all the food Zac already can't wait to eat!

Passenger(s): ZACHARY BALLARD,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Frontier Airlines # 287

Lambert-St Louis Intl (STL) to Denver International (DEN)
Departure (STL): April 7, 6:55 PM CDT (evening)
Arrival (DEN): April 7, 8:21 PM MDT (evening)
Class: Economy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Frontier Airlines # 797

Denver International (DEN) to Portland International (PDX)
Departure (DEN): April 7, 9:15 PM MDT (evening)
Arrival (PDX): April 7, 10:59 PM PDT (evening)

Class: Economy

Sunday, January 10, 2010

#96. Buy a basal thermometer

I really hate being on birth control.  I know that its not natural, and I don't like the way my body handles it. Zac and I were all set to use rhythm method and symptothermal methods for family planning after we got married....then he forgot to add me to his health insurance and that went out the window.  So glad I spend the 6 months before that taking my temp everyday to get used to charting and let my body get back to normal after coming off of the pill.  Needless to say I was mad and a little disappointed.  I had even done this 21 day cleanse...thats right, 21 days, to get rid of the hormones that were left behind. Then had to go right back on them.  Anyway.  I run out of my prescription for the pill on Tuesday and will start charting again.  I'm glad to say goodbye pills!

#98. Get a library card

My Thursday snow day was very successful.  Not only did I get my hair done, but I also stopped by the library and finally got a card.  I picked out three books when I was there, a book of great kitchens, a house plan book and a random one I thought could be a good read.  If I'm lucky, I will be able to mark 3 goals off my list just because of that wonderful little card!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

#67. Buy a book about composting

This may sound really silly, but amazon makes some of my dreams come true.  I am obsessed with books.  Given, I have plenty on my selves that I have not read, but I never pass one up.  From decorating to anatomy to fiction and award winners, I love them all.  When I bought my baby food books, I also picked up a book about composting.

I think maybe its the dad in me, (dad is a farmer) that makes me obsessed with gardening.  Not flowers necessarily, though I think they are beautiful and am envious of my mom's ability to surround her self in beauty, but vegetables and fruits.  I made Zac promise that when we build a house, if he gets a home theater room, I get a green house.  What has two thumbs and digs on plants....this girl!  Even though I've never had my own home, I plant a little garden at each house I live in.  I even go so far as to dry my own spices.  Oregano, sweet basil, rosemary, thyme..etc.

The natural progression of this for me is to start making my own compost.  I think I'm a little bit of a hippy at heart.  Perhaps thats why I like my hair long and don't bend to my sisters' will and cut it :)  I really want to decrease my need for store bought foods and "live off the land." Not too hard to do when your family raises cattle and you can garden (especially if I do get that green house!)  I want to try to limit the waste I produce that goes into landfills too.  So much of what we throw away can be recycled or composted its shocking.  It takes a little time and effort to become knowledgeable, then its a matter of putting things into place and letting the system run.  This is my way of becoming knowledgeable and making sure I can set an example for my family.  I really believe that everyone can make a difference and it all just takes a little effort

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

#43, Buy a book of baby food recipes

Thank you amazon for making books cheap and gratification instant.  For those of you that read my daily blog, Little Trailer Big People, you know why this was important to me even though I have no kids yet.  I have a huge family, lots of babies (6 this last year between my family and my husband's) and the health of all those babies is very important to me as a physician and aunt/cousin.  In fact, I get to take care of two of them tonight (see you soon Zavier and Zayne) and I get to take care of Bean, Aubrie, and Everett on a regular basis.  This is just another way for me to care for them and make sure they get good quality, natural foods, still full of nutrients instead of preservatives.  Who knows, maybe one day I can convert the whole clan, considering how cheap and easy it is, and we will have a monthly  cook session to get them set.  I need to know how to make more than apples, pears, and sweet potatoes for that so I will be pumped when I get my books!

P.S. Maggie tried the sweet potatoes with Caroline's rice cereal last night and she was yelling for more!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The journey begins

I have officially finalized my list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days.  I suppose I started the list and started working on Jan 1st, but I am going to start my 1001 days today.  This is because I have 3 goals, I think, that I'm going to try to accomplish daily, and while the 1st would have been more appropriate probably, some of them I didn't add to the list until yesterday, and I would be sad to fall short right at the beginning.  Anyway, here goes.....101 of my goals.

Health and Fitness
1.  Start and finish P90X (0 of 90)
2.  Do Burst training daily for one month (0 of 30)
3.  Floss every day! (14 of 1001)
4.  Buy a yoga video and actually do it for two weeks (0 of 14)
5.  Stick with a skin care system for one month straight (7 of 30)
6.  Lose 55lbs (7 of 55)
7.  Take my vitamins every day (16 of 1001)
8.  Try to cut out soda for 1 month, then for good (0 of 30) (0 of 1001)
9.  Complete a 7 day master cleanse
10.  Get my eyes checked
11.  Get my teeth cleaned
12.  Get adjusted at least twice a month (2 of 66)

For Me
13.  Read 1 book each month (2 of 33)
14. Watch one movie each week that I’m interested in (8 of 132)
15.  Get a massage every other month (2 of 16)
16.  Make sure to have my wedding ring checked and re-dipped every 6 months (1 of 6)
17.  Get a deep conditioning treatment on my hair
18.  Complete 1 painting each month (2 of 33)
19. Buy Rosetta Stone Spanish
20. Learn Spanish
22.  Take 1 picture each day for 1 year, then make a coffee table book (0 of 365)
23. Pick out a house plan Zac and I love
24. Get the tattoo I’ve wanted for years.
My Spiritual Life
25. Set aside 5 minutes to talk to God everyday (11 of 1001)
26. Find a church that Zac and I like
27. Go to church every Sunday for 3 months in a row (0 of 12 weeks)
28. Buy the Book of God (the bible as a novel)
29. Read the book of God
30. Learn a new bible story each month (2 of 33)

31.  Go on one date night each month (1 of 33)
32.  Give him a good back rub each month (1 of 33)
33.  Sit through a whole movie with Zac each week (8 of 143)

34. Book the ticket and go see Chris and Lauren
35. Call Lauren every other week (8 of 71)
36. Call Chris every other week (8 of 71)
37. Call Josh once a month.  (3 of 33)
38. Make a date with Courtney each month (1 of 33)
39. Make a date with Angie every month (3 of 33)
40. Call Chelsea once a month (4 of 33)

40. Spend the night with the kids 1 night a month (1 of 33)
41.  Send out birthday cards to all nieces and nephews (2 of 17)
42.  Anniversary cards for Mag, Annie, Mom and Courtney (1 of 4)
43. Buy a book of baby food recipes
44. Make baby food for Caroline
45. Visit Danny, Doug, and Grandpa Everett twice a year.
46. Update the online Family Tree

Professional Life
47. See at least 30 patients/week for 1 month (0 of 4)
48. See 45 patients/week for 1 month (0 of 4)
49. Hand out 1 business card a day for 1 month (0 of 30)
50. Follow up with Don and Jack about the family plan
51. CCSP certification
52. Pediatrics diplomate

53. Pay off the American Express
54. Pay off the Ace account
55. Pay off debt to Dr. B
56. Take $50 out per paycheck for spending money (7 of 66)
57. Save every $5 bill for vacation
58.  Pay off the white car (4 of 6 payments)
59. Pay off the red car (3 of 45 payments)
60. Pay off the trailer (3 of 45 payments)
61. Pay back Mom and Dad
62. Restart Zac’s contributions to his IRA
63. Change Zac’s contribution to his work 401K
64. Save $50 each month into a Christmas savings account (3 of 33)
65. Save $1000 into our joint savings account
66. Get our emergency fund back up to $4000

Random (some of these go in other categories...I know)
67. Buy a book about composting
68. Read the book about composting and start a compost for the garden
69.  Buy an external hard drive
70.  Back up my pictures onto an external hard drive
71.  Convert my CD’s to MP3 and store on external hard drive
72. Plant spring seedlings
73. Plant garden at Mom and Dads
74.  Fix clock in the kitchen.
75.  Scrapbook my wedding pictures
76  Scrapbook my honeymoon pictures
77.  Save $1200 and go on another ChiroMission
78.  Apply for a position as a teacher at a local prison.
79.  Take the raw footage of our honeymoon and turn it into a DVD
80. Buy a fireproof safe and put all our important stuff in it.
81.  Buy tickets and go see the Nutcracker at Christmas
82.  Fix the leg on the red kitchen chair
83.  Put $20 in a savings account for each of the goals I reach (4 of 101)
84.  Work on EE stuff every week (12 of 143)
85. Book a cruise with Zac to Alaska
86. Buy a new book of house plans
87.  Make an inspiration book for our house
88.  Buy a new pair of chucks and retire my black ones.
89.  Try 2 new recipes each month (4 of 66)
90. Catch up on Dexter (Season 3-  DONE) (Season 4- 0 of 12)
91. Catch up on Lost (Season 4-Done, 5-Done, 6)
92. Scrape and repaint the bathroom surround
93. Repaint the bathroom cabinets
94. Repaint the brown cabinet in the living room
95. Make sure I am added to Zac’s health insurance in Feb.
96. Buy a basal thermometer
97. Re-read my natural family planning books
98. Get a library card
99. Stop using the f word (1 0f 1001)
100. Complete the patient call list by the end of Feb.
101. Make a new 101 in 1001 list.