Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Update

It has been one week and I've already knocked a few goals off my list.  The hardest part is consistency for me.  But I did take my vitamins daily, floss almost every day and prayed for 5 minutes 5 of 7 days.  I get really distracted when I pray.  My mind is a thousand miles a minute and before I know it, I forget that I was praying.  I'm trying now to make it a part of my drive and be more focused.  Anyway. I got my baby food recipe book last night, got my compost book, watched some movies and made some calls, booked a flight and am ready to tackle the next week!


  1. You don't have to pray all at once. I "popcorn" pray all day long. It's how my thoughts go. I ask for strength, wisdom,discernment,patience,humor,or whatever I need at the time... give thanks when something is good. Just talk to him all day long in little snippets. He is used to my rambling and He will welcome yours!!

  2. i prayer journal too! hepls me stay focused and organize my thoughts, when i write them down:O)
    way to go!

  3. A prayer journal is another thing I use too. Like, Elise said it helps me keep focused. It is great to read back and see how many prayers were answered that you forgot you even prayed about!
