Sunday, May 23, 2010

#58. Pay off the white car

Sigh......its done.  Mom and Dad have always been good about helping out us girls when they can.  While I was in chiro school, the car that I'd driven for 5 years broke down on I-270 in.  It sucked so bad.  I called Dad from the side of the road to tell him my car literally stopped running. Just stopped.  Luckily I was cruising at like 70mph so I was able to coast the 4 lanes of traffic to get pulled over.  After that, he was not ok with me driving that car anymore.  I got it towed and fixed and the next weekend I came home and we got a different car.  Since the green car had been paid off, this meant a new loan and my parents agreed to pay the loan since I was already living off student loans at this point.  When Zac and I got married, I assumed responsibility for the payments.  It was supposed to be paid off in July, but we always pay 10% more on every payment so we paid it off early.  I'm just thrilled to be down another bill to be paid.  Next up..doubling up payments on trailer 36.  Watch out will be ours soon!

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