Saturday, June 9, 2012

#78. Apply for a position as a teacher at a local prison

I actually did do this.  And, I  wanted to slap the guy over the phone.  When I called to ask the warden a few questions so there would be no issues if I couldn't me the requirements (depending on the hours, etc.) that no one would waste any time.  The warden clearly had no idea how I was educated.  His first question when I told him I was a chiropractor was, "you know you have to have at least a master's to apply."  Uh, yeah bud, I actually have a doctorate.  "It's a minimum of 15 hours of post-graduate education."  Again, I am a doctor.  A physician.  He was still not so sure.  So then I got irritated and said "listen, I've taken ever  ology there is.  I meet the educational requirements.  I also have experience as a Teaching Assistant.  What I am worried about, is being able to actually teach the classes around my patient schedule."  He proceded to tell me that his prison was not very equipped to have a Biology class.

Needless to say, the whole process was frustrating and went nowhere.  
But it is another goal, done.

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