Saturday, April 17, 2010

#94. Repaint the brown cabinet in the living room

I bought this cabinet for $12 at Catholic Charities right before I started school at SIU.  It has pretty well always been brown.  I painted the inside white to give it contrast....but it was still kinda ugly.  This is it before, all dressed up for Christmas
 After we finally moved into the new trailer, I wanted something a little more bold, that would pop off the gray walls.  Half a can of spray paint later and it's beautiful.  I LOVE the purple.  I especially love the way my bright colored frames look on it. 
What do you think?  Much better huh?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

#44. Make baby food for Caroline

Caroline is officially a big girl.  She is starting to eat whatever Maggie and Kylie are eating, which means, I'm done making all her food.  The following are a series of pictures of the process.  This is what I started with, lots and lots of food.  
So there were apples, pears, kiwis, blueberries, carrots, peas, green beans, brocolli, zucchini, corn, sweet potatoes,  and squash.  

Now that's a heck of a lot of baby food.  Actually, 320 some tablespoons. I kept track.  It makes me happy to see it all again.  I ended up filling 24 tubs.  Not sure how many cubes exactly.  Maggie spent $20 on the food.  The Gerber tubs that hold 3.5 oz, are sold in a 2 pack for $1.99 according to the interenet sites.  So, what I made should have cost $92.  

I loved being able to do this.  Actually, I really liked doing it period.  I would love to be able to make this something I do on the side for busy moms.  I am starting a garden at my mom and dad's house full of all these veggies.  Maggie's best friend is pregnant with her first baby and I hope to use food from my garden for him (i'm just sure it's a boy).  Anyway, if you know some busy mom who wants quality food for less for her new bean, you send her my way!


I swear I haven't forgotten about this project.  Gotten a little off track, yes, but forgotten, no.  I have still been trying my darndest to mark things off my list.  I actually feel like I need to revise a couple of my goals.  I don't think I'm gonna worry about 2 new recipes each month, but revise it to try two new foods each month.  I don't cook as much as I'd like, cause Zac is out of town, but the purpose was not to cook more, but rather to try new foods.  So, consider it switched.  Also, I am really bad about keeping track of the daily stuff.  Knowing that I have to keep track makes me more apt to actually do them, but the recording part is surprizingly hard to keep up with.  I am renewing my efforts as of today, April 15th and starting to record, record, record!  Look forward to more coming your way!