Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Revised List

I won't lie...I'm awful about keeping track of the daily things.  I really have been doing most of these things daily.  I really do think about them.  I just forget to document that I do.  I'm working on it though...which is really more the point anyway. But, as a reminder, here are my goals for the next 1001-almost 180 days. 

Health and Fitness
1.  Start and finish P90X (0 of 90)
2.  Do Burst training daily for one month (0 of 30)
3.  Floss every day! (? of 1001) Restart June 1st, 2010
4.  Buy a yoga video and actually do it for two weeks (0 of 14)
5.  Stick with a skin care system for one month straight (0 of 30)
6.  Lose 55lbs (13 of 55)
7.  Take my vitamins every day (? of 1001) Restart June 2010
8.  Try to cut out soda for 1 month, then for good (0 of 30) 
9.  Complete a 7 day master cleanse
10.  Get my eyes checked
11.  Get my teeth cleaned
12.  Get adjusted at least twice a month (10 of 66)

For Me
13.  Read 1 book each month (4 of 33)
14. Watch one movie each week that I’m interested in (16 of 132)
15.  Get a massage every other month (2 of 16)
16.  Make sure to have my wedding ring checked and re-dipped every 6 months (1 of 6)
17.  Get a deep conditioning treatment on my hair
18.  Complete 1 painting each month (5 of 33)
19. Buy Rosetta Stone Spanish
20. Learn Spanish
22.  Take 1 picture each day for 1 year, then make a coffee table book (0 of 365)
23. Pick out a house plan Zac and I love
24. Get the tattoo I’ve wanted for years.

My Spiritual Life
25. Pray everyday (? of 1001) Restart June 1st, 2010
26. Find a church that Zac and I like
27. Go to church every Sunday for 3 months in a row (0 of 12 weeks)
28. Buy the Book of God (the bible as a novel)
29. Read the book of God
30. Learn a new bible story each month (3 of 33)

31.  Go on one date night each month (5 of 33)
32.  Do something nice to let him know I love him(5 of 33)
33.  Sit through a whole movie with Zac each week (18 of 143)

34. Book the ticket and go see Chris and Lauren
35. Call Lauren every other week (8 of 71)
36. Call Chris every other week (8 of 71)
37. Call Josh once a month.  (5 of 33)
38. Make a date with Courtney each month (1 of 33)
39. Make a date with Angie every month (4 of 33)
40. Call Chelsea once a month (4 of 33)

40. Spend the night with the kids 1 night a month (1 of 33)
41.  Send out birthday cards to all nieces and nephews (2 of 17)
42.  Anniversary cards for Mag, Annie, Mom and Courtney (1 of 4)
43. Buy a book of baby food recipes
44. Make baby food for Caroline
45. Visit Danny, Doug, and Grandpa Everett twice a year.
46. Update the online Family Tree

Professional Life
47. See at least 30 patients/week for 1 month (0 of 4)
48. See 45 patients/week for 1 month (0 of 4)
49. Hand out 1 business card a day for 1 month (0 of 30)
50. Follow up with Don and Jack about the family plan
51. CCSP certification
52. Pediatrics diplomate

53. Pay off the American Express
54. Pay off the Ace account
55. Pay off debt to Dr. B
56. Take $50 out per paycheck for spending money (8 of 66)
57. Save every $5 bill for vacation
58.  Pay off the white car (6 of 6 payments)
59. Pay off the red car (3 of 45 payments)
60. Pay off the trailer (3 of 45 payments)
61. Pay back Mom and Dad
62. Restart Zac’s contributions to his IRA
63. Change Zac’s contribution to his work 401K
64. Save $50 each month into a Christmas savings account (5 of 33)
65. Save $1000 into our joint savings account
66. Get our emergency fund back up to $4000

Random (some of these go in other categories...I know)
67. Buy a book about composting
68. Read the book about composting and start a compost for the garden
69.  Buy an external hard drive
70.  Back up my pictures onto an external hard drive
71.  Convert my CD’s to MP3 and store on external hard drive
72. Plant spring seedlings
73. Plant garden at Mom and Dads
74.  Fix clock in the kitchen.
75.  Scrapbook my wedding pictures
76  Scrapbook my honeymoon pictures
77.  Save $1200 and go on another ChiroMission
78.  Apply for a position as a teacher at a local prison.
79.  Take the raw footage of our honeymoon and turn it into a DVD
80. Buy a fireproof safe and put all our important stuff in it.
81.  Buy tickets and go see the Nutcracker at Christmas
82.  Fix the leg on the red kitchen chair
83.  Put $20 in a savings account for each of the goals I reach (4 of 101)
84.  Work on EE stuff every week (12 of 143)
85. Book a cruise with Zac to Alaska
86. Buy a new book of house plans
87.  Make an inspiration book for our house
88.  Buy a new pair of chucks and retire my black ones.
89.  Try 2 new foods/restaurants each month ( 5 of 66)
90. Catch up on Dexter (Season 3-  DONE) (Season 4- 0 of 12)
91. Catch up on Lost (Season 4-Done, 5-Done, 6)
92. Scrape and repaint the bathroom surround
93. Repaint the bathroom cabinets
94. Repaint the brown cabinet in the living room
95. Make sure I am added to Zac’s health insurance in Feb.
96. Buy a basal thermometer
97. Re-read my natural family planning books
98. Get a library card
99. Stop using the f word (1 0f 1001)
100. Complete the patient call list by the end of Feb.
101. Make a new 101 in 1001 list.

#58. Pay off the white car

Sigh......its done.  Mom and Dad have always been good about helping out us girls when they can.  While I was in chiro school, the car that I'd driven for 5 years broke down on I-270 in.  It sucked so bad.  I called Dad from the side of the road to tell him my car literally stopped running. Just stopped.  Luckily I was cruising at like 70mph so I was able to coast the 4 lanes of traffic to get pulled over.  After that, he was not ok with me driving that car anymore.  I got it towed and fixed and the next weekend I came home and we got a different car.  Since the green car had been paid off, this meant a new loan and my parents agreed to pay the loan since I was already living off student loans at this point.  When Zac and I got married, I assumed responsibility for the payments.  It was supposed to be paid off in July, but we always pay 10% more on every payment so we paid it off early.  I'm just thrilled to be down another bill to be paid.  Next up..doubling up payments on trailer 36.  Watch out will be ours soon!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

13 down

So, just a quick update.  I've been trying to stay diligent with my 101.  Like I say, the recording is the worst part.  I make an effort to do those things but what a pain to write down that I did.  Anyway,  I am working daily at losing weight.  I am happy to report that since my birthay (4/10)  I am down 13lbs.  I have quite a few to go, but I'm doing it.  Yay!  13 what what!